To Our Sponsors And Donors

Imagine a child sitting alone on the side of the playground… Watching the other kids play.

Imagine a teenager sitting at home all weekend long looking at their neighborhood friends leave, yet they have nowhere to go.

Imagine Monday morning at school and everyone shares what they did over the weekend, and one child doesn’t have anything to share.

Sadly, this is the reality for so many children with disabilities. Before we were parents of special needs kids we didn’t make the connection that the reality for them means that there are hard factual limitations based on their physical or mental abilities. What we didn’t realize is that these limitations extend to basic human rights and needs, when no funding, effort and attention is given to prevent it.

We are here to bridge that gap. We need to…



We’re here to make sure that playgrounds are accessible. With adapted swings, accessible ground cover and communication boards.

We are here to make sure that teenagers have activities that are healthy growth opportunities for them the way typical developing teens have. Maybe its dances, social clubs or groups.

We’re here to provide access to sports and sporting goods equipment so that come Monday morning everyone can share what they experienced and did!!! Maybe its bowling, baseball or adaptive soccer.

Why Support Us??

There are a lot of really amazing opportunities to give back and support charitable organizations.So many meaningful philanthropic organizations. We support many causes ourselves.

What Makes Us Different??

By supporting us, it benefits literally everyone in society. The disabled individuals learn, grow and thrive. This opens doors for them to contribute to society in meaningful ways. Their parents, grandparents and siblings realize the fulfillment of the most basic of dreams and wishes for their children, grandchildren and siblings.


Our community and society as a whole is educated, enriched and ultimately benefits from gaining compassion, kindness and experiences they wouldn’t have otherwise been exposed to.


A group of special needs moms who understand because we live this every day. Root for the underdog. Commit to us today and in the future. We promise you won’t regret it.

Our Sponsors